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In May, I was able to make a donation to an organization that has a very special place in my heart; Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Sea Shepherd is an international, non-profit marine conservation organization that engages in direct action campaigns to defend wildlife and conserve and protect the world’s oceans from illegal exploitation and environmental destruction. Sea Shepherd was founded in 1977 by Paul Watson. The Sea Shepherds are such an inspiration and lead from the front lines. They spend months and months at sea defending our beautiful marine animals. A few years back they had a show on Animal Planet called "Whale Wars" where you can see how they defend the ocean and make a difference. Go to to learn more about them and how you can help in this fight!

When I had the idea of creating Blue Moon Creation’s, I knew that I wanted to use my business to give back and do good in the world. When you order from my shop, a portion of what you pay goes towards giving back. You get to choose between 3 options. Each of these are very dear to my heart 💛

The 1st option is to support animals. I’ve been a big animal lover for my whole life. I want to help every animal I can and support people who devote their lives to rescuing and caring for animals. I will use this money for donating supplies to animal shelters, donating to animal organizations, organizing my own projects to help animals, etc.! 🦋

The 2nd option is environmental projects. I strive to live the most eco friendly life possible and hope to inspire others to do the same. I will use the money to plant trees, do trash clean up events, put together educational events, etc. One of my plans is to put together an eco friendly event and be able to gift everyone who attends with an eco friendly goodie bag to get them started on their eco friendly journey! 🌱

The 3rd option is Acts of Kindness! One of my favorite things is doing small, random acts of kindness for others. I love to pay for the person behind me in a drive through, tip an amazing server a generous tip, cook a meal for someone who’s having a rough time, etc. I love this option because there is so many kind things you can do for other people! 🌞

It makes me so happy to be a light to others and spread kindness and love. Thank you for reading this far and for giving me so much love and support! I wouldn’t be able to be a difference maker without all of you!

Stay tuned for my next blog post!

Dont forget to always shine your light 💡 Xoxo, Trisha

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